Tuesday 22 January 2013

Week Three

Well, what a week it's been! There have been loads of high points but also the occasional low point - who knew that healthy eating, could be so exciting! Let's start with the great news - I hit my challenge target for the week and managed to shift another 2lb, that's 7lb in total, yay me!

My kids are always a huge support to me, whatever crazy thing I happen to be doing that week! They all realised early on that I was deadly serious about losing weight and keeping it off this time and so have been even more supportive (if that could be possible!)

My eldest son, Lee, happens to be an awesome chef and makes THE best pork lasagne in the world! Of course it does help that the recipe
is a Weight Watchers one! So this week I had a night off and Lee threw together this wonderful supper for us all.

As the weatherhas been so icy I've managed to leave the frost covered car and walk my daughter to school nearly every day, the exercise and fresh air helped me this week, the added bonus is the more activity you do the more points you can earn for a treat or two!

I did succumb to a treat on Saturday night, the children were in bed and Lee was staying at a friend’s, so I had sole control of the television (a rare treat in my house), I foolishly decided to watch Armageddon whilst dealing with an array of turbulent emotions (I'm putting it down to those nasty Christmas toxins coming out of my system!)

So, weepy film + emotional woman = sob fest!!! It wasn't pretty and yes - I attacked the crisp cupboard, granted I only devoured the one pack (a tube of smarties and a freddo) but I felt awful! Oh the shame of it! On Sunday morning I looked like I'd had an allergic reaction to something - face swollen and puffy - not good! I was determined not to let my moment of weakness trip me up so I spent the day cooking up a batch of Bolognese, vegetable soup and a lamb casserole for the freezer. Felt so much better and even though my vegetable soup (free points - woo hoo) looked a bit like wall paper paste, it tasted fab! Honest! 

I have planned out the meals for the coming week, breakfast, lunch and dinner. I have done my 'big shop' and I am ready and raring to go for the next week of my resolution challenge - target for the week ahead is just 1lb, slow and steady wins the race apparently.

As long as my wonderful meditation ladies don't bring anymore left over Christmas chocolates to classes (you know who you are!!!) then all should be well in the world of weight loss.

The end of month one is looming and apart from one small, emotionally fuelled, speed wobble, I'm having a great time. I feel so much better in myself, not so bloated, clearer skin and OMG - bucket loads of energy, which helps when the kids challenge you to a wii 'Just Dance 4' contest!

Check back next week to find out how I got on!

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